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My Philosophy

My Mission Statement

To create a safe, inclusive, and progressive environment which will enable youth footballers to develop their skills and confidence in an encouraging and supportive set-up.

Football should be fun but with a purpose.


What are my objectives? 

To develop players that are good technically and also have a good understanding of the game. 

To develop young people in alignment with my core values to set them up for life, not just for football.

What do my players need, and how can I help them? 

My players need a safe environment to allow them to develop under my coaching supervision.

Each player learns in a different way so I ensure my teaching style accommodates for all.

What represents my moral standards and integrity? 

I respect everyone and I expect my players to do the same. I am reliable, organised and punctual.

I manage negative behaviours when they happen and communicate well to all.

What ethical and inclusive framework underpins my coaching philosophy? 

I am committed to creating a positive environment as I believe this is where people can thrive.

I treat everyone with respect and include all players in my football activities even if this means adapting sessions to fit the ability of some players. 


My Core Values:-

  • A passion for playing and coaching

  • To be disciplined

  • To always work hard

  • A willingness to learn

  • To create a positive and safe environment

  • To respect people

  • To be inclusive

  • To set high standards

My Coaching Core Values:-

  • Know your players

  • Small sided games - In and out of balance

  • Ball mastery exercises - especially with younger players

  • Relevant - Repetition - Realistic training

  • Football should be fun but with a purpose

  • Scanning - Ball - Opposition - Teammates - Space

  • Effective communications

  • Development over winning

  • Plan - Do - Review

  • Train and play with intensity

  • Teach the game ©2023 by Starr Designs

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